Accommodation is available for people coming to Canberra to pray, and we would appreciate those people wishing to stay here for Conferences, Prayer, or as a Retreat individually or in groups to sow in some time in Prayer at C-HOP as and when time is available for them to do so.
Location: C-HOP is situated at 28 Guilfoyle St, Yarralumla, Canberra in the Embassy District of Australia’s Capital City, Canberra close to the Federal Parliament & City Centre.

The New Atrium Room has been completed at the beginning of May 2012, and is available for groups to hire; we hope you will enjoy this restful garden environment in a courtyard setting suitable for many different types of Christian gatherings.
C-HOP which is a Christian venue is suitable for:
- Working towards the vision to establish Day and Night Prayer and Worship
- Christian training purposes based on Biblical teaching of the Word of God
- Christian Retreats- Rest and Healing
- Meetings- Prayer, Visiting Speakers, Bible Studies, Discipleship, Creative Arts
- Networking Seminars and Fellowship gatherings across the Body of Christ
- Hospitality: Regular Dinners, Breakfasts, Christian Music with Coffee and Cake etc
- Gardens in Preparation for Christian Meditation & Contemplation of the Bible
- Prayer Tours on location in Canberra; Parliament, Embassies, Law Courts, Universities, Mountains, etc. For more info, click here.
- For more information – Please contact us at or on Phone +61 62821117
Ideal for Christian group Retreats and Seminars – the majority of the rooms have twin beds -we have capacity for 34 people to stay plus extra accommodation where necessary.
The purpose for ALL gatherings is to giving glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Contributions for use of Facilities at C-HOP as of 1 June 2020:
Accommodation for those supporting C-HOP vision of hosting the presence of God:
Bed & Continental Breakfast (All prices include GST)
Married Couple | $112 |
Single Occupancy | $85 |
Twin Share….(each person) | $66.50 |
Admin Booking Charge | $3 |
Additional Meals available by prior arrangement:
Lunch / person | $18 |
Dinner / person | $23 |
M/Tea & A/Tea Budget / person | $5.50 |
M/Tea & A/Tea Blessing / person | $7.50 |
Facilities Available: Present Charges will be raised by $1 / hour on 1/6/2024
- Use of Chapel/ Worship Spaces/ Seminar Room/ Common Room/ Dinning Room hourly basic charge $23 (for regular people building 24/7 vision)
- Group charges please contact C-HOP
- Atrium hourly basic charge $38 but for a full event using many facilities including hospitality an event charge will be agreed with the C-HOP management.
- Conference & Special Events opportunities & packages available, please contact facility manager for more information and availability.
- Dining Room, kitchen, laundry facilities & parking also available by arrangement, plus large TV & AV equipment hire.$58.00
- All rooms are air-conditioned with reverse cycle heating, plus wifi / internet availability.

Payments, Donations and Offerings can be made to:
‘Prayer Worx Trust MBCM’, at St George Bank , ACT BSB 112 – 908 A/C No. 446 631 958, thankyou.
Please state your 1) surname & 2) purpose/function with your Bank Payment and send an email stating the date of your payment including the details of your name, the purpose and the receipt to:
Please note that Cancellations will attract a minimum fee of $15 per transaction. Cancellations within 48 hours incur the first night accommodation charge. Second and subsequent night refunds will be made at the discretion of the management, and this will vary depending on the pressure of bookings.