Australia Kneels

Join us now for the 42-days Journey

Join us now for the 50-days Journey

Welcome to Australia Kneels

An Opportunity for a total of 13-weeks to come aside with our Lord and Heavenly Father to participate in His Word – Understanding what matters to the Father, discovering our Hope and Life in the Lord and our Unique Calling He has for us all…

Apostle Paul prayed in Eph 3:14 as he bowed his knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and so will we, to discover the Father’s GREAT LOVE for us, His Sons and Daughters… Heb 2:10

 50 Days more AUSTRALIA KNEELS Continues
Wednesday morning Zoom 7am and Acts 2:42 Dinners

CLICK HERE to Find Out More

Our 50-Days Journey with our Father in His Garden continues.

Why not go back to any of the days that inspired you, or start from the beginning…

We will continue with this vision, and there will be even more coming soon…

SO: Please Indicate to us any stage – Your Interest to Participate with us in a:

3 Month Intensive ‘Living in God’s Kingdom’ Watchman training/workshop



OR: CLICK HERE  To access the previous 42-Days Banqueting with the Lord

CLICK HERE  To find out more about further Zoom meetings and other Events

As part of this AUSTRALIA KNEELS JOURNEY we are seeking to discover a creative approach for each person to be led on their own personal journey, deeper into understanding how God created us with the possibility of Him having a Personal Relationship with each one of us.

In Exodus 34 we discover He is our Merciful, Loving, Compassionate, Covenant Keeping, Forgiving Father of Light in whom there is no shadow or turning. (James 1:17)

He is our Good Heavenly Father whom we can trust.

During these 13 weeks – we will be learning to Listen to and Discern His Voice, increasing our capacity to explore His Word with the help of the Holy Spirit.

We will be exploring the difference between the “power of darkness” and the Truth of the Kingdom of Light of God’s dear Son.  (Col 1:13)

For He wants to lead us out of our orphan / victim mentalities and concepts, often seeing God as a “Hard Task Master” or a “Righteous Judge” just seated in some distant place ready to punish your every wrong move.., into understanding that He is our Covenant Keeping Father who has made a way for us to be restored back to Him, when we have broken covenant with Him.  In Isa 55 He expresses how eager He is to forgive us, if we will return to Him, to know in our hearts that He is our Merciful Heavenly Father, who longs to show us the good plans and purposes that He has for our lives, to bless us. (Jer 29:11-14)

As the plan of our Heavenly Father is for us to serve Him and become His Overcoming Sons and Daughters in the Earth, praying and walking in His Will and Victory in these times of adversity, through His spiritual power, strength, wisdom, understanding, knowledge and counsel in order to give honor to God.

How can we become Overcomers with God?

In the first 42 Days – He invited us to Come to His Banqueting Table!

And in the next 50 Days He is now inviting us to come to His Garden !!

BUT: He has given us all free will, and is issuing us all an Invitation to Come to participate with Him, first at His Banqueting Table, where His banner over us is LOVE. (Song 2:4), and then to journey with Him further into His Garden.

As the Father’s Heart desire is that we will overcome our weaknesses, our circumstances and our adversaries through His help and through His ways so that His goodness and mercy will follow us, all the days of our life, and we can dwell in the Father’s House forever.  The question is, will we allow Him, to be our Lord and our Shepherd, and trust Him to empower us to overcome seemingly impossible obstacles, in order to persevere and endure till the end ? (Ps 23)

What will happen when I enter in this journey with our Heavenly Father?

We will learn how to come into close communion with our Heavenly Father to receive His direction as His beloved.

If we respond to the Lord’s invitation in this season, we will allow Him to Conform us into His image and likeness through our study of His Living Word, empowered by His Holy Spirit. As He renews our minds and heals our hearts, we discover how to enter into His covenant promises to become His “New Wineskins”. Together we can receive His New Wine: of His love, His Joy and His Peace PLUS His Free Gift of Righteousness, His divine exchange to us at the Cross. (Luke 23:34)

He has given us His New Covenant promise (Jer 31:31-37, Heb 8:8-12) that as we believe in Him, we receive the Power of His Forgiveness stated in the New Covenant, sealed in Jesus’ shed blood that is available for us all who believe in Him, that He was raised from death to life on the 3rd day.

Let us enter into His journey of redemption. Allow Him to bless us that we can be a blessing to others and do great things with God. (Isa 53)


For a Taster of some of the items on this journey:

– Covenant Messages By Dr Hilary Moroney – Canberra – House of Prayer:


– Encouraging Message by Ps Jeff Daly – National Day of Repentance


– And a Communion Message – Welcome to the Lord’s Table – By Ps Susan Hammer:

Would you like to discover the God Who created you, Who loves you, and has a Great Plan to bring RESTORATION and Blessing in and through your life ?


Please consider making a donation towards the Australia Kneels Vision

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Discipleship at C-HOP Weekly TBC

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Coming Up

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Bible Verse of the Day

No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.