Bible Reading Marathon – Divine Intervention for Australia- Proclamation of the full Word of God – Reading the Bible from cover to cover Dates Thurs -Sun 9-12 February 2023 Location: On top of Grass outside Parliament House, Federal Mall ACT 2600
Pray for:-
* BRM Application to be granted by the APH Events & AFP Security Permissions department for the first sitting week of Parliament 2023
*Site Captains and Bible Readers from the Parliament and Christians from Fellowships in ACT & Nation to commit to Participate in 2023

* God’s Favour, Protection, and Guidance through the whole process leading up to and during the BRM 79 hours event. Last year God granted us the grace to be right in the Middle of the Protest March outside APH to PRAY for HIS PEACE & all GLORY to Jesus despite much incitement to hatred there were NO violent events at all took place.
*Fair calm weather with clear air to breath so BRM can be completed outside Parliament House in time frames to be permitted on the AAA Land & NCA Land – no extreme heat, rain or winds- God’s Peace to prevail in All things & His will to be established in the Parliament for His Kingdom Coming forth in 2023
Bible Reading Marathon – You are Welcome to participate in prayer & Participation – come and read for 15 min time frames on a 3 hour Watch
If you are interested, please let us know – Click HERE
Praise God for the opportunity for the Bible Reading Marathon at Federal Mall outside New Parliament House location in Canberra, ACT for a Citywide Christian Multicultural Initiative.
Christians will pray blessings for the city and nation including Bible Reading for 79 hours on Thursday 9 February from 7am to Thursday 12 February finishing at 3pm 2023, continuously day and night in front of New Parliament House to the side on the grass near the Ceremonial Stone, Please pray for this final land permission to be granted as soon as possible.
The plan is for there to be 26 site Captains (Watchmen) oversighting 3 hour time blocks. We ask each Watchman leader to gather between 4-12 Christians to read the Bible for 15 minutes each in their time blocks, and also to consider doing another 3 hour time block if possible on a different day and time.
To find out more why not watch the video about the Bible Reading Marathon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGfF5PtkoeM
In 2023, there will be just one location in Canberra outside Federal Parliament House where the bible will be Read.
This will be a low key event with no amplification. Believers who have registered will be coming and going, arriving 15 minutes before their time slot. It is expected that there would be approximately between 4- 8 people or less at any time. At each site there will be a portable gazebo/ sun shade shelter 3m by 3m, a folding table and 4 folding chairs. People will be bringing their own water bottles and removing any personal rubbish etc. NB This is not part of the Multicultural Festival Organisation or foot print. but it is a Christian multicultural cross denominational response to bless our city and nation through the unity of the Holy Spirit, as we read God’s living Word cover to cover one believer after another, reading from one Bible; NKJV large print version.
Bible Breakthrough
79 hour Bible Reading Marathon prior to the National Day of Prayer & Fasting
Thursday 9 February – Sunday 12 February 2023 The Bible Breakthrough is a continuous 79 hour Bible Reading Marathon that has been organized outside Australian Parliaments in the State Capitals of Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne and including Parliament House in Canberra. In future years it is envisioned that this will take place where possible in all State Capitals and outside public buildings and council chambers in cities and regional towns. There are 9 Parliamentary Offices and 564 Councils’ in Australia. It takes 79 hours and 40 minutes to read the bible through out loud. The vision of the Bible Breakthrough is to find 288 Christians in each location who will read the scriptures for 15 Minute slot during the 78 hour period. It takes just under 78 hours to read the Bible through from beginning to the end.
The Bible Breakthrough – Bible Reading Marathon’s goal is to follow the words of Paul the Apostle who encouraged the believers in 1Timothy 4:13 to “devote themselves to the public reading of scripture.” The word of God is powerful and the reading of scriptures in strategic public places is a form of prayerful declaration that Australia will find its DESTINY in Christ the Living Word. John 1:1
The 79 hour Bible Marathon will finish at 3pm on Sunday 12 February 2023 which is during the Federal Parliament’s sitting in 2023.
The Bible Reading Marathon is a Pre-Event before Australia’s National Day of Prayer and Fasting taking place on 27th May 2023 – for more information please see australiaprays.com.au
Through the Bible Breakthrough – Bible Reading Marathon, it is hoped that people will be interested to attend a church near them to hear more about the Good News of God’s love through Jesus Christ, which is the central message of the Scriptures. Our prayer is that through the Bible Breakthrough – Bible Reading Marathon many people will find their DESTINY in Christ the Living Word and that Christians will discover again the power of the Bible.
Bible Breakthrough Bible Reading Marathon February 2023
Canberra – on the grass outside Federal Parliament House
Adult Terms & Conditions
The Canberra House of Prayer and the Bible Breakthrough Bible Reading Marathon Organising Team recommends that you confirm your Bible Reading time, place and safety with your Site Captain prior to coming out to read. TheCanberra House of Prayer and the Bible Breakthrough Bible Reading Marathon Organising Team does not accept any responsibility for any losses or injuries incurred, including but not limited to, travel and/or involvement in any way with the Bible Breakthrough Bible Reading Marathon event. This experience will be captured in both photographs and video.
The Canberra House of Prayer and the Bible Breakthrough Bible Reading Marathon Organising Teamreserves the right to use this material for promotional purposes. The Organisers of the
Bible Breakthrough Bible Reading Marathon event reserve the right to change any of the published event details without notice, and have the final say on any matter relating to the event.