Take me to the Banqueting Table Page to explain the Menu of our 42 Days Journey with the Lord
To find out what happened at the 42-Day LAUNCH Dinner at Canberra House of Prayer, you are welcome to watch the Replay Here

Welcome to the Australia Kneels – 42 Days of Banqueting with the Lord
We are currently in the Extra 50 Days – AUSTRALIA KNEELS Journey – Continuing till 19th May – Pentecost!
CLICK HERE to Find Out More
CLICK HERE to join this 42 Days Journey spending time at the Banqueting Table with our Lord and Father – Equipping the Warrior Bride in the Freedom Power of the Holy Spirit : for her End-Time Purpose on Earth
It’s not too late to explore God’s Covenant Promises and what blocks us from experiencing & entering into your true purposes and identity in God.
OR Click Here for:
Week 1 , Week 2 , Week 3 ,
Week 4 , Week 5 , Week 6
and Resurrection Sunday
Please Register Here to join us every Wednesday Morning @ 7am, Sydney Time, via Zoom!
You can still join us for our Australia Kneels – Acts 2:42 Dinners – On Tuesdays 6.30pm as this is still continuing at present
Please bring a plate of food to share
This 42-Day journey also included 2 Holy Spirit Retreat Week-ends coming aside with the Lord (on Zoom). Both weekends are now in the past. But you can CLICK HERE to watch any or all of the 8 Videos of the last Holy Spirit weekend that was on Zoom.
Let’s continue to Seek God & PRESS in for Healings and Divine Encounters in the Presence of the Lord
Gathering to EXALT & Adore Jesus Christ our Holy God & Prepare in Prayer for Holy Spirit to move in power …. watch the dates!
For a Taster of some of the items on our menu:
Covenant Message By Dr Hilary Moroney – Canberra – House of Prayer:
Would you like to discover the God Who created you, Who loves you, and has a Great Plan to bring RESTORATION and Blessing in and through your life ?