Welcome – learn more about what’s going on in the Middle East
Pastor Ben Gray, CHI-Ministries, Australian Prayer Network, will be in Canberra on the 22nd of February 2025 at the Canberra House of Prayer to teach on the “Isaiah 19 Highway.” Ps Ben will also speak at an ACTS 2:42 Dinner on the 21st of Feb – Q & A
Accommodation at C-HOP available on Friday night see https://c-hop.org.au/accommodation-room-hire/ & contact Hilary
If you plan on coming please read Isaiah chapter 19 in preparation.
Venue: Canberra House of Prayer, 28, Guilfoyle Street Yarralumla, ACT 2600
The day commences at 9:30am

Today many are taking encouragement from a portion of Scripture concerning the Middle East and North Africa that is found in the book of Isaiah, here we are speaking about Isaiah Chapter 19 and in particular verses 23-25.
“In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrians will come into Egypt and the Egyptians into Assyria, and the Egyptians will worship with the Assyrians. In that day Israel will be the third party with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth, whom the LORD of hosts has blessed, saying, “Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance.” (Isaiah 19:23-25 NIV)
These verses spotlight a gripping prophetic vision of hope, about a future Middle Eastern highway of worship, restoration and blessing. Although today’s events might seem to be pushing the region spoken about in this prophecy away from a fulfilment of this dream, Isaiah announces that peace, worship and fellowship will one day break out amongst all peoples along this redemptive highway—becoming a blessing in the midst of the nations.
Pastor Ben Gray, CHI-Ministries, Australian Prayer Network, will be in Canberra on the 22nd of February 2025 at the Canberra House of Prayer to teach on the “Isaiah 19 Highway.”
Ben will bring encouraging teaching based on the prophecy in Isaiah 19 and provide refreshing insights into God’s heart to unite ALL His children in intimate connection with each other and Himself.
Come and join us for a special day or weekend if you can come for Friday night too.
Cost: $35 includes Lunch, Morning and Afternoon Tea
Note: A love offering will be taken up on the day.
For further information and to register for the Fri Dinner & one-day Sat seminar contact: Hilary Email: c.hop.update@gmail.com Ph 02 62821117
You can also register on the day.
If you plan on coming please read Isaiah chapter 19 in preparation. The day commences at 9:30am

Praying for God’s Righteousness to Prevail in Australia & the Middle East
PRAYER every Wednesday 7am on Zoom
Praying for your Neighbourhood: visit http://partnersinprayer.org.au/neighbourhood-prayer-watch/
– PRAY for a mighty harvest of SOULS and discipleship during 2024 -25
God’s prophetic time clock – what He’s doing in the Middle East, Australia & the nations
We are living in exciting but changing times when the breath of God is blowing, stirring like never before! How can we position ourselves to partner in what Father is doing in this nation and beyond?