About the Canberra House of Prayer for All Nations (C-HOP)

Where have we come from?

In December, 1996, Hilary de Havilland received a calling from God to establish a Prayer House in Gundaroo, NSW, 40 mins north of the Capital city Canberra, on the property of her fiancé Paul Moroney.; they were married on 18.1.1997. This was the fulfilment of a vision Paul’s first wife Karen had of building a house of prayer before she died in 1995. The Prayer House at Gundaroo was built and dedicated to the Lord for His Glory and the healing of His people on June 27th 1998. 

Hilary is a previous midwife and Drama Teacher, who finished her doctorate in Practical Church Ministry in Prayer and Leadership through the Wagner Leadership Institute, USA in 2005, where her thesis was on ‘Watchmen in the End Times’. Paul is a trained Chaplain and a Chaplaincy Australia Team Member. They have both been involved in prayer ministry for individuals and cities and nations since 1998, with a particular call as a Watchmen to pray for Israel, to pray for the salvation of Souls and God’s Kingdom mandate 

Vision for C-HOP was received by Hilary in the Chapel in 1997 in the building that is now C-HOP, when she was attending Unity Bible College; the Lord spoke one cold dark morning when no one had turned up for worship, and said ‘I want this to be My House of Prayer for All Nations’. As the Isa 56:7 scripture hung above the door of the chapel, Hilary realised this was God’s heart for this place of His presence which had been in Christian hands since it was first built as a Presentation Sisters Nunnery in 1962.

How has this vision come to pass?

Hilary prayed here for many years for this vision to come to pass, along with many others who also had a strong sense for the building to be a House of Prayer for our Nation. After much trial and different owners, the Lord opened the way for Hilary and Paul to purchase this place He has set apart for His name. On August 13th 2010, they were suddenly asked to believe for God’s miraculous intervention, and to say ‘Yes’ to the Lord to purchase this building to see His blue print of what He has planned and purposed from Heaven to be out worked here on earth, for His will to be done and His Kingdom to Come. The Lord reminded Hilary of some monies she had set aside in a bank account previously that she had received from her mother, and the Lord asked if she would give this to Him as the seed for the deposit of the purchase of the property. 

Hilary then sensed the Lord saying that His opening this door for His House of Prayer, was His answer to our prayers at a Betrothal/ Covenanting prayer gathering He had orchestrated and asked us to facilitate on 08.08.08 called ‘Your Kingdom Come’ in the Great Hall of the Parliament in Canberra for the nation. After the sudden Aug 13th meeting when Paul and I had said ‘yes’, Jesus showed me Himself as the Bridegroom who had prepared a Bridal Chamber He was now entrusting to us, for His Bride to come into and worship Him in Canberra.

When was the C-HOP vision realised?

On strategic dates of covenant: 

  • Dec 9th 2010, the anniversary of the ANZACS entering Jerusalem in 9.12.1917, the contract for sale of the C-HOP property was signed; (we have a mandate to pray for God’s covenant purposes to be fulfilled for His covenant land and people of Israel, as Watchmen on the Wall ) 
  • On 18.1.2011 the ACT Govt permission was granted for the Crown Lease transfer for purchase of the property to our ministry of Mountain of Blessing Christian Ministries. This date was the 14th wedding anniversary of Paul and Hilary’s covenant of marriage, and the date of birth of Paul’s grandmother, who gave Paul an inheritance through which monies, the majority of the purchase of the property was paid for 
  • On the 11th anniversary of Hilary’s father’s passing, on 25.2.2011 the final settlement and purchase of the property was finalised. (This was the first anniversary since defeat of Homosexual Marriage Bill in the Federal Parliament on 25.2.2010)
What is the vision for C-HOP?

We desire:

a) To host the Presence of God and see God’s Kingdom Come for His name to be given glory…that we would be One Kingdom people, serving Him alone

b) To call forth Sons and Daughters of the Father, to disciple and mobilize them to become worshippers and spiritual warriors who live lives of purity, thanksgiving and joy-filled prayer, trusting God as their provider of all their needs, as they seek to give God’s love generously to others, by preaching the gospel, healing the sick, helping the needy, making disciples, and in so doing seeking to bring reformation to society locally and globally

c) To establish a House of Prayer for All Nations, by welcoming others to come individually for retreats or corporately to fast and pray, to see Christ’s Rule and Reign established for His glory impacting our society and the nations of the earth as we intercede and pray night and day

d) To help others discover their God given identity and calling through Christ’s Blessing of Salvation and the fullness of His promises in the church, government, marketplace and every area of life as the Holy Spirit guides and leads according to the truth and Kingdom principles found in the Bible 

e) To help to build bridges of reconciliation and forgiveness between people and God, Jew and gentile, male and female, indigenous and white, young and old, and across denominations so that through Christ’s sacrifice at Calvary, God’s light of truth may penetrate darkness, His Love bind up broken hearts, and His mercy set people free to live in the promise of Christ’s abundant life and inheritance now and for eternity

Our Prayer: is for each of us personally to live as fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ, who do what He asks, when and how He commands us, obeying in faith, out of His love, according to His Word.

Where is C-HOP?

C-HOP is situated in the heart of the Embassy district of Canberra, close to the Federal Parliament and the Prime Minister’s residence, strategically situated in our Capital city of Australia.

Road directions to 28, Guilfoyle St Yarralumla, ACT 2600



What is our Prayer for those coming to C-HOP?

The Canberra House of Prayer for All Nations is a Christian Retreat Centre and House of Prayer and Worship where you will find the peace of God’s presence. People who come have found their lives deeply touched, changed and blessed as they encounter the Presence of God. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, according to the scriptures, that people will come to know more of the goodness of who God is, and what His purpose is for their life, that they might be blessed personally to carry God’s life, love, light and truth, to be a great blessing to their family, Church and in every circumstance of life where they have influence. We pray they will start an adventure of discovering the power of praying the Word of God so they will stand strong in the day of His power, in faith, courage and boldness, enabled to share their faith with others and to live transformed lives.

What is C-HOP?

It is an International Evangelical House of Prayer, Worship and Teaching Ministry that seeks to raise up the Bride of Christ as Watchmen, Prayer Warriors and Intercessors through relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, by the Power of the Holy Spirit, to come to maturity & function as God’s Ekklesia to be released into God’s destiny, purpose and timing for their lives, fully surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in gratitude of His gift of forgiveness. Therefore we speak Christ crucified and resurrected. (Philippians 3:10)

We welcome people to be involved in and experience being part of God’s New Covenant Community here, through Acts 2:42 Fellowship meals, Healing Encounters, Worship, Prayer and Teaching opportunities. Internships are also available.

It is a Tent of Meeting with Jesus and the Father, through whom we seek to win the lost, heal the sick, befriend the lonely, make disciples of Jesus through the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit, to impact all spheres of society for God’s will to be done and the Reign of the Kingdom of God to be restored.

We pray for reformation and a return of our nation and the nations to God’s covenant promises in the areas of government, marriage, family, education, religion, economy, arts, sport, healthcare, media and the environment.

Our vision is to work as a servant ministry in relationship with the wider Body of Christ, according to the Biblical mandate, to prepare for the Second Coming of the King of kings, Jesus Christ. We are to fulfil Christ’s Great Commission, as we seek in faith to walk out Jesus’ two great commandments: to love God in first place, and through His abundant gift of grace to open our hearts to receive His love through the Power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5,17), in order to love God’s people God’s way, in His truth (John 14:6), and to receive Christ’s gift of righteousness, to be ignited in His passion to rule with Him to Impact His world.

What are we doing?

We are seeking to host God’s presence through worship and prayer, as from the beginning….this has been a miraculous journey of Faith in our Faithful Heavenly Father’s promises….and is a continuing faith journey as He has asked us to believe Him to miraculously bring all the finances to purchase and build His House His way. This is both in the natural, and in the spiritual. We are praying for Jesus to bring together His people as His Body to worship and pray and meet with Him…

Who is helping us?

The Holy Spirit is drawing together individuals and groups of Christians from across the Body of Christ and all boundaries of age, race and gender, to come and pray, worship, teach and seek God’s Word of Truth. We thank God for those willing to come and serve in practical areas of helps, administration, gardening and renovation work on the building.

Why have Acts 2:42 dinners?

Welcome and Join us for a Feast and Fellowship with other believers in God’s Presence  

Why Acts 2:42 Fellowship Dinners ? 

‘They devoted themselves to the Apostles Teaching, to Fellowship and the Breaking of Bread and to Prayer.’  Acts 2:42

Seeking God’s strategy as to how to accomplish the vision of the Canberra House of Prayer, I sensed a strong prompting from the holy Spirit to search God’s Word about His desire for His people to be:

  • in relationship with God the Father through His Son Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit 
  • living from a place of REST and FAITH
  • meeting together in Fellowship and Communion, in covenant relationship with God and each other
    C-HOP was to be a place of Hospitality and meeting, for believers to come and encounter God and each other in Father’s House – a place where Sons and Daughters of the Father, of every denomination and every tribe, tongue, colour and nation could come together to worship God and enjoy the richness and blessing of Feasting with each other, while be strengthened and encouraged in the Word of God…..and we WELCOME you to come and share with us.

 How to do them? Gather together people at 6.30pm, to come and bring a plate of food and drink to share together in a fellowship dinner which starts with prayer and communion on every 2nd and last Friday of the month.

What do we do? We light some candles and thank Jesus that He is the light of the World! We give thanksgiving for the week, surrender our burdens and needs to the Lord, and pray for God’s Blessing upon the marriages and families of all present, then praying His Blessing out into our city and nation.  We reaffirm our covenant commitment to the Lord through the breaking of Bread and sharing the Cup of the New Covenant blessing with each other, as the Body of Christ from across the city, and with those visiting C-HOP.

Then there is great feasting, fellowship, fun and sharing, with the Lord guiding the conversation: a beautiful time in his presence….and often there will, be a speaker bringing the word of God to encourage all, and this can include teaching from the Bible about God’s specified feast times and festivals, where we discover the richness of Jesus Christ in and through the Word of God.

It is one of our most favourite times that we look forward to….every dinner is different as God brings together different groups of people. Often, we have a sense that Jesus has orchestrated divine appointments, to nurture and build His body, and to bring hope and encouragement to some who might not have the opportunity to enjoy relaxed corporate meals with fellow believers.

It’s an opportunity for those who are seeking after Jesus, or wanting to reconnect with believers, or find fun and meaningful fellowship, in a relaxed and casual atmosphere ……all are welcome to come and share and discover how to put REST back into the rest of your life and for FAITH to be rejuvenated IN Christ Jesus.

Look forward to seeing you there….please bring some food and non-alcoholic drink to share!

Who is coming?

Local believers have felt God’s call to come into C-HOP on a regular basis to pray for different lengths of time, some on retreat, desiring to come and encounter God, with the vision of establishing continuous worship and prayer night and day 24/7  in the city.

Believers from around the nation and from the nations are coming to:

  • pray for the government and all aspects of God’s Kingdom in the nation and nations 
  • rest and come aside from busy life styles for retreat time in the presence of the Lord 
  • attend prophetic  teaching or prayer conferences 
  • network and pray with others across the Body of Christ from a wide range of backgrounds 

Individuals, families, groups of friends, church leaders, house groups, church groups of various sorts; art groups, study groups, youth groups; those searching to discover the reality of God revealed in Jesus; all find a warm welcome awaiting them.
You will understand that, as a Christian Centre, we are unable to accommodate any alternative religious worship or practices. 
Please note: because of the nature of the buildings we regret that for guests with physical disabilities there are some challenges at this present time, please enquire.

What opportunities are there for Community involvement?

We invite believers of all ages to set aside time to be with God, to come and serve at C-HOP on a regular basis taking part in the prayer and worship sessions that relate to their areas of passion and interest, eg praying for the Persecuted Church, or Youth in the City or Government issues. Please let us know how you would like to be involved.

Some come and serve in a practical way, offering their gifts and time in areas of hospitality, garden building projects, administration, finances or cleaning. 

Many come and join us as they are able, for the fortnightly Shabbat Fellowship Dinner on the 2nd & 4th Fridays of the month, bringing a plate of food to share, and entering into the peace and rest of the Lord, and the joy of fellowship as people fellowship and network together from across the Body of Christ from the city and the nations.

Others come from the city and nation to attend and or serve at teaching seminars and conferences related to prayer and our faith, some include prayer assignments into many different areas of the community, or the government.

From January 2012, after building renovations are completed, we are hoping to be running Alpha Courses open to the community as well as Healing Encounters at C-HOP.

Who will come as missionary Interns to C-HOP starting in January 2012?

Those coming to serve in this Mission, will be called by the Lord to give 5 months, 9 months or a year to pursue God. We pray they will begin to discover on this adventure into God’s heart about:

  • who their Loving Heavenly Father really is as He reveals Himself to them in and through the Bible
  • how to encounter Him and walk by the Spirit of God in His presence, through understanding His ways
  • what God’s plan, purpose and calling is for their life and eternity
  • who God has created them to be; their true identity in Christ
  • how to enter into prayer and worship to a deep level to see spiritual breakthrough that will impact others lives through the power of the gospel
  • how to effectively  contribute their gifts joyfully as part of the Body of Christ, being part of a New Covenant Community
  • living in Community; how to serve and help one another both spiritually and practically through learning how to facilitate the rhythm of life at C-HOP & welcome others in
  • how to express their worship and prayer conversation with God through various creative ways

Priority will be given to the 18-30 year olds, but for others wanting to be part of this journey of internship you are most welcome and many opportunities and openings are available.

What are missionary interns involved in at C-HOP?

All those working at C-HOP are willing volunteers, who raise their own support to work in God’s House.

We sense the Lord is calling us to offer internships at C-HOP to those who would be willing to come and serve both in prayer and service in the running of C-HOP as full-time missionaries, who will be part of our new covenant community reaching out to others in a lifestyle of prayer and worship.

We believe that full-time interns will be giving and sewing up to fifty hours per week, as they flow between the prayer room and training room, with involvement in prayer assignments and ministry outreach opportunities.

The internship programmes will draw upon the teaching of many international ministries and offer opportunities for mission both overseas and in Australia.

Mentoring in prayer will be given in relation to issues facing the persecuted Church, applying Biblical principles to current affairs, analysis of ethics of different world views and their societal impact.

Interns will be equipped with effective strategies for advocacy work, preparing believers to stand for the Truth of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in this hour. 

We seek to partner with Christ to raise up leaders who will know how to stand in God’s righteous authority in all arenas of life, understanding how to be strong in the midst of hostility, to be bold to proclaim the gospel, and to grow in Christ’s faith and compassion to do the greater works that Jesus said we would do, by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

In this time of shakings in the nations, we seek to prepare ourselves and others to stand in the spiritual battle, ready and equipped to help others to be followers of Jesus Christ in this generation, as we prepare for the Lord’s return as His Bride, the One New Man in Christ.

What type of Evangelism is C-HOP involved with?
  • Healing Encounters in the C-HOP Chapel and the Market Place 
  • Alpha Courses 
  • Hospitality & Fellowship meals & gatherings 
  • Prayer assignments on location 
  • Sports Club outreach to families 
  • Radio broadcast opportunities 
  • Cross Cultural mission 
  • Advocacy and Prayer for the Persecuted Church ( with Christian Faith and Freedom Ministry involvement) 

We seek to establish a balance between Prayer and Practical ministry outreach, believing that when our lives are grounded in Worship of Jesus Christ, with the Word of God stimulating prayer intimacy with God, then we are able to intercede effectively as we are filled with God’s love and wisdom… 

Then, breakthroughs happen…our faith increases ….we grow in knowledge of God….we are able to Love Him and one another….as we are Ignited with God’s power….to Impact His world, for God’s will to be done, and His Kingdom to Come here on Earth as in Heaven. 

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Board of Reference for Canberra House of Prayer:

As of March 2023

  • Karen Boss – Christian Faith and Freedom
  • Dr Graham McLennan – Founder and Director of National Alliance of Christian Leaders (NACL) & contributor to establishing Vision Christian Radio
  • Annie Cathcart – Annie’s Prayernet & Toowoomba Citywide Prayer
  • Apostle Robert Cochrane – Revival Ministries Australia
  • Ps Sue  Miller – Chaplaincy Australia & previous Sen Pastor Northside Life Church, Canberra

Should the need ever arise, the Board of Reference of C-HOP will gather together to appoint a new Chairman and Board of Trustees for Mountain of Blessing Ministries Pty Ltd, and a new Spiritual Director for the further functioning of C-HOP. Strategies have been established to ensure that the Vision of the Canberra House of Prayer for all Nations continues to give glory to the Lord Jesus Christ, who through His precious blood shed at Calvary, established the new Covenant, and that all aspects of the work at C-HOP will continue to be founded on the Bible the Inspired Word of God.



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Embassy Prayer Tour

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Discipleship at C-HOP Weekly TBC

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Coming Up

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Bible Verse of the Day

For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.