Australia Kneels : Week 2 – Day 3

‘Let Us’ (Lettuce page) 

What are the Blockages in my Heart + Mindsets of Wrong Beliefs that Obstructs my Relationship with God ?

Chef’s Menu For Today

Coleslaw Salad – Tangy Dressing

Check out the Ingredients of the LIES of Hopelessness

From Thom Gardner’s Book Healing the Wounded Heart ch 14, p 165-177

Spiritual BeliefsGod doesn’t care, Staring into the empty tomb (like Mary Magdelaine after Jesus’ Crucifixion and his body was not even there), all hopes and expectations are gone, our dreams are shattered, we feel doomed, cursed, an empty hole of darkness threatens to swallow up our life – a dead place of negativity engulfs us – we wait for something bad to happen – defenceless, alone


Soul Beliefs – All hopes and expectations disappointed – we think ‘I will never……again’- see only impossible obstacles and no way to get around them – give up in dismay and despair as ‘I can never get over this’; taking only the visible evidence we compare it to what we know and decide we will never get there – we predict the future-we will never make it – so we Quit


Soul Sense – standing on the edge of a bottomless pit; unable, lacking energy to walk back from the edge, deep grief and loss may engulf us – loveless, there’s no way out, utterly defeated, overwhelming disappointment, depressed, no one cares or helps


Symptoms socially – total emptiness, pessimism, everything too complicated, tangled up, totally out of control, we look at our bills according to our evidence and understanding of the reality of our bank account, so we determine there is no way we can pay the person


Emotion Focus – weeping, tired, restless, confused, pain of loss, senseless ache, feel down trodden, beaten down – without hope, vision or sense of purpose, our desire for life ends  – we might dull the pain self-defending, responding with indifference, cynicism or resignation

Green (Let us SEE) Lettuce, Avocado and Artichoke Salad – very nutritious for the heart!

Expels the Lies of Hopelessness that Blind & Block us seeing the Revelation of the heart of our;

  • True Heavenly Fatherwhose thoughts towards us are of peace and not of evil, to give us a future and a Hope. So, then we will call upon Him and pray to Him and He will listen to us. He promises when we seek Him with all our heart, we will find Him – He will be found by us and He will bring us out of our captivity….Jeremiah 29:11-14
  • Jesus Messiah, God’s Beloved Son –He understood that at His empty tomb, Mary’s focus was on her grief and shattered hopes of finding her now dead Rhabi’s missing body – she had no hope of ever seeing him again in the future, nor any concept that He was her Resurrected Lord standing right beside her. Under the influence of hopelessness, she did not recognise Jesus, seeing him as a gardner….until He spoke her name and then she recognised His voice! Jn 20:11-18
  • Holy Spirit’s Comfort and Compassionthat He yearns for us to receive from Him as we mourn and grieve our lost loved ones or shattered circumstances…He desires to give us beauty for ashes, the oil of Joy for mourning, the garment of Praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they may be called trees of Righteousness, the planting of the Lord that He might be Glorified…Isa 61:2b-3

Holy Spirit Salad with fruit bits – God’s Antidote Medicine for His Truth Replacement

  • Fruits of the Holy Spirit – Instead of Hopelessness – God’s Spirit of Joy
  • Gift of the Spirit – of Faith according to God’s measure of Faith given
  • Isa 11:2 Holy Spirit AttributeSpirit of Wisdom in the Knowledge of Christ; to respond through revelation to overcome the spiritual and flesh battle – to chose Life and enforce Jesus Christ’s Kingdom will and victory through the cross defeating death
  • Revelation of Jesus to Church of PergamumHe has the Sharp 2-edged sword, God’s Word
  • His Promise to Overcomers – to Receive Hidden Manna (God given Words of Revelation) and a stone with a New Name from the Lord – in Roman culture this stone was used for booking a reserved seat in an auditorium…or …at His Table?

Blessing Dressing from Hos 2:14-15

 “Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the wilderness
    and speak comfort tenderly to her,
15 There I will give her back her vineyards,
    and will make the Valley of Achor as a door of hope.

 God promises to bring restoration of covenant and to open a door of Blessing in the valley of Achor which was the place of Achan’s sin of breaking God’s covenant and the first Defeat of God’s people at the Battle of Ai after entering the promised land – it was called the ‘Door of Trouble’ Joshua 7:11-26.

God desires to Restore our relationship with Him and to give us Hope – Rom 5:1-5.

Mary Magdelaine turned from utter despair and abandonment at the empty tomb to experience new hope and unexpected Joy in encountering her beloved Resurrected Lord Jesus in John 20:17. He appeared first to Mary in His Resurrected body and said:

 “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”

Jesus said to Mary “I am your brother, you are my sister, my Father is your Father and your God – this restoration of relationship was to say – we are family – and go and tell my brothers – Mary was entrusted with this most important mission. She believed Jesus at His Word when she spoke to the Disciples: I have seen the Lord! This wonderful shift from sorrow to joy can be our portion too when we surrender and allow God’s love to minister to our hearts so we can receive Jesus as not only Saviour but our Lord and Bridegroom King.

Restoration HOPE Dressing

Why not enter through the Door of Hope Jesus has opened for us all and listen to this worship song and video and discover that

HOPE is in a Person:


Thank You Jesus for the Blood
Song by Charity Gayle

I was a wretch
I remember who I was
I was lost, I was blind
I was running out of time
Sin separated
The breach was far too wide
But from the far side of the chasm
You held me in your sight
So You made a way
Across the great divide
Left behind Heaven’s throne
To build it here inside
And there at the cross
You paid the debt I owed
Broke my chains, freed my soul
For the first time I had hope

Thank you Jesus for the blood applied
Thank you Jesus, it has washed me white
Thank you Jesus, You have saved my life
Brought me from the darkness into glorious light

You took my place
Laid inside my tomb of sin
You were buried for three days
But then You walked right out again
And now death has no sting
And life has no end
For I have been transformed
By the blood of the lamb

Thank You Jesus for the blood applied (thank You Jesus)
Thank You Jesus, it has washed me white
Thank You Jesus, You have saved my life
Brought me from the darkness into glorious light

There is nothing stronger
Than the wonder working power of the blood
The blood
That calls us sons and daughters
We are ransomed by our Father
Through the blood
The blood
There is nothing stronger
Of the wonder working power of the blood
The blood
That calls us sons and daughters
We are ransomed by the Father
Through the blood
The blood

Thank You Jesus for the blood applied
Thank You Jesus, it have washed me white
Thank You Jesus, You have saved my life
Brought me from the darkness into glorious light
Glory to His name
Glory to His name
There to my heart was the blood applied
Glory to His name

Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Charity Gayle / Bryan Mccleery / David Gentiles / Ryan Kennedy / Steven Musso

HOPE for our Nations’s Future

By Tony McLennan – Australia For Jesus

“The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, he shall grow like a
cedar in Lebanon….”
Psalm 92:12

Is there HOPE for the future? For our children? What kind of world are they being born into? God will bring those who take up the cause of Christ to victory.

We can look forward to a future of real change. God has appointed us to be on the winning team. Our mission is to help you to be a God revolutionary in Australia or New Zealand, holding forth the Word of Life as an individual as well as through your local church. We are called to be a part of God’s Revolution, where God is overturning wickedness and restoring righteousness to our land and helping our people to rediscover God’s great gifts for us.

Please watch the video below – or Click Here to visit their website for more information as to how to get involved.


Ps Jeff’s Special Today: “Shedding Innocent Blood” 

Personally and as a nation, this is an abomination to the Lord! (Proverbs 6:17). It violates the Ten Commandments, “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20: 13). Isaiah 1:15 speaks to every nation today: ” When you spread out your hands I will hide My eyes from you; Even though you make many prayers, I will not hear. Your hands are full of blood.”

However, being honest with yourself, as you spend time with the Holy Spirit, is there an old issue with shedding innocent blood that needs to be confessed? is shedding innocent blood an issue ? do you have any residue of shedding innocent blood from your upbringing as a child? was it a family pattern?

God bless you as you seek His Holy Spirit Wisdom on that issue. 

May you go forward on His path, “perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” (2 Corinthians 7:1).




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Bible Verse of the Day

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.