Australia Kneels : Week 7 – Day 6

Doing the Will of the Father who sent us – Joh 4:34

Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work. 

The Garden Catalogue For Today

Welcome to the Discipleship and Action Day – Let us go and Draw from the Well of Life, and get filled up so we can pour out the Living Water to others we can bless.

On this day we will have a variety of messages and input from trusted disciplers.

Where to from here?

A) Pray with Others……Register for Pentecost Prayer Zoom, Australia Kneels and other initiatives:

1)   Join us for a 3-Hour Zoom meeting on Pentecost Sunday – 19th May, 2024 @ 12:30pm Sydney Time

As we close our 50-Days Journey with our Father in His Garden.

PLEASE REGISTER HERE to Receive the Zoom details, plus your interest to Participate in a 3 Month Intensive ‘Living in God’s Kingdom’

2)   10 Days Pentecost Virtual & Global Day of Prayer for Israel registration is happening live in the 10 Days Zoom room until May 19th. Join us, Learn more, or Register HERE

3)   Corporate Prayer on ZoomCanberra Declaration Prayer Community –online, Stand for Truth & Families – Daily Devotionals – Register HERE

4)   Prayer Points for Israel & Daily Zoom ICEJ – 11pm AEST– since Gaza war started  Register HERE

5)   Local Houses of Prayer – Praying for Souls and Blessing
Click HERE for a Link via FaceBook of  A movement of ordinary people who adopt a small local area for Jesus, worship, pray, invite the manifest Presence of God, proclaim blessings and play their part in contending for kingdom breakthrough through their life and witness…..holding Home or Zoom prayer meetings for souls

B) Share the Gospel:

1)   The Way of LIFE Presentation and Becoming a Disciple of Jesus  & God   to find out more…You are Welcome to Participate with Teams on Saturday morning outreaches in shopping centres in Australia
See also 50 Days Australia Kneels WeeklyDay 6 Gospel & Discipleship contributions


The Harvest Australia – Baptisms find out here:

4)  Discovery Bible Study Method DBM is a simple, structured way of opening the Bible with someone so that they encounter God directly through His living Word. The aim is to allow participants to discover God’s truth for themselves, rather than relying on a leader. As the leader, you are there to empower them and to pray, not to have all the answers.

Click HERE for a Downloadable PDF:

Six Bible Discovery Questions to lead the in-home Bible studies.  

    1. What do you like about this passage?
    2. What don’t you like about this passage?
    3. What don’t you understand about this passage?
    4. What do you learn about God from this passage?
    5. What do you want to do in your life based on this knowledge?
    6. What verse do you want to think about this week?

CLICK HERE For a further article on Discovery Bible Study


C) Hospitality & DiscipleshipActs of Kindness showing God’s Care

Start an ACTS 2:42 Dinner in your home, at your table = Home Altars

The early church grew strong and rapidly as it is today in nations of Christian persecution -when God’s people meet together daily, from house to house becoming Disciples of Jesus.

The Way of God’s Kingdom Life for Disciples to Grow in the Word with Souls Multiplying, lead by and orchestrated by the Holy Spirit with Worship, Praise and Evangelism. Acts 2:41-47

41 Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them. 42 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. 43 Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. 44 Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, 45 and [c]sold their possessions and goods, and divided[d] them among all, as anyone had need. 46 So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, 47 praising God and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added [e]to the church daily those who were being saved.

This is God’s Plan for Revival, Sustainable Discipleship, and standing together in the midst of persecution

D Divorce Care › countries

DivorceCare is a divorce recovery support group where you can find help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce. It is a formalised well thought out course with material on video, in a supportive sharing group setting for processing divorce recovery support groups meeting weekly in many churches in Australia – a vital support ministry for many suffering in the body of Christ


E) Contact us at Canberra House of Prayer (C-HOP) for even more ideas and initiatives happening in Australia that we might know of.

Discovery Bible Study


Use this guide as you meet to study the Bible

Download a PDF Guide HERE

1. Talk

To begin the study, each person answers these questions:

  • What are you thankful for?
  • What is causing you stress?
  • Who needs our help? How can this group help them?

2. Look Back (session 2+)

  • Retell story from the previous meeting.
  • What did you do differently because of this story?
  • Who did you tell and what was the reaction?

3. Read & Re-tell

  • One person reads the Bible passage out loud, and the rest follow along.
  • Someone else retells the passage by memory, if possible. Others can fill in what is missing.

4. Look

  • Read the passage again.
  • Discuss what this passage says about God, Jesus or his plan.

5. Look again

  • Read the passage once more
  • Discuss what this passage says about humans.

6. Inside me

  • According to this study, what am I doing well?
  • What do I need to change?

7. Who else?

  • Who needs to hear this story?
  • How can I tell them?
  • Who can I invite to study the Bible?

. . . . . . .


Download this list HERE

  1. God Creates – Genesis 1:1-25
  2. God Creates Man and Woman – Genesis 2:4-24
  3. Man and Woman Eat the Fruit – Genesis 3:1-13
  4. God’s Curses – Genesis 3:14-24
  5. God Regrets His Creation – Genesis 6:5-8
  6. God Saves Noah and His Family – Genesis 6:9-22, 7:1-24, 8:1-14
  7. God’s Covenant with Noah – Genesis 8:15-22, 9:1-17
  8. God’s Covenant with Abram – Genesis 12:1-8, 15:1-6, 17:1-7
  9. Abraham Gives His Son as an Offering – Genesis 22:1-19
  10. God Spares His People – Exodus 12:1-28
  11. The Commands of God – Exodus 20:1-21
  12. The Sin Offering – Leviticus 4:1-35
  13. God’s Righteous Servant – Isaiah 53
  14. Jesus is Born – Luke 1:26-38, 2:1-20
  15. Jesus is Baptized – Matthew 3; John 1:29-34
  16. Jesus is Tested –  Matthew 4:1-11
  17. Jesus and the Religious Leader – John 3:1-21
  18. Jesus and the Samaritan Woman – John 4:1-26, 4:39-42
  19. Jesus and the Paralyzed Man – Luke 5:17-26
  20. Jesus Calms the Storm – Mark 4:35-41
  21. Jesus and the Man with Evil Spirits – Mark 5:1-20
  22. Jesus Raises a Man from the Dead – John 11:1-44
  23. Jesus Talks about His Betrayal and the Covenant – Matthew 26:17-30
  24. Jesus is Betrayed and Faces Trial – John 18:1-40, 19:1-16
  25. Jesus is Crucified – Luke 23:32-56
  26. Jesus is Resurrected – Luke 24:1-35
  27. Jesus Appears to the Disciples and Ascends to Heaven – Luke 24:36-53
  28. Enter into the Kingdom God – John 3:1-21


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Discovery Bible Study is a simple method to see for oneself what the Bible says about life’s big questions. It was developed by David L. Watson and Paul D. Watson. They write in depth in their blog about Discovery Bible Study at Contagious Disciplemaking 

Below is a also List of Links – you can visit for a very detailed list of Scriptures on each the following subjects:

  1. New Believers
  2. Stories of HOPE
  3. Honor and Shame
  4. Leading others to believe
  5. Hope Series (For Seekers)
  6. Signs of John (For Seekers)
  7. Discover Series

Winning The Spiritual War

Then all this assembly shall know that the LORD does not save with sword or spear, for the battle is the LORD’s, and He will give you into our hands.
1 Samuel 17:47

Do you know someone who has experienced the oppression of the enemy? Bernard in the video above, felt that God was there even when he had lost touch with reality.

But Bernard found that he had a good friend. “I just sensed that Jesus was sitting in the pit with me. And He was saying, ‘I am not going to let you go. I am going to be with you all the way and we are going to make it out together.”

The good news for Bernard is that he has been set free and he loves God – He is real. “I can tell others that Jesus is real.”

If God is for us who can be against us.

Do you have a burning desire to help Australians come to know Jesus?

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Becoming a Disciple for Jesus

By Tony McLennan

Chapter 9

Influencing Society

Showing Love and Compassion to Others


When Jesus came to Nazareth on one occasion He shocked His audience at the synagogue with a reading from Isaiah the prophet. He read: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.” 
Luke 4:18, 19

Jesus applied this scripture to Himself. In a very real sense, it also applies to His disciples: those who would live in obedience to Him. One can see from this text words like ‘the poor’, ‘the prisoners’, ‘the blind’ and ‘the oppressed.’

The impact of the coming of Jesus upon all people everywhere was to mean a turn around in the condition of these people. The gospel would bring the ‘unsearchable riches’ of heaven to the poor. The joy of the Lord would come upon those in prison and they would be freed. A new light would dawn on  those who once could not see.

I. What Happened When Jesus Or His Disciples Proclaimed The Good News?

In Mary’s song, when she sings aloud about the mercy of God, the Bible records: “He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty.” (Luke 1:53)

The poor would be blessed by not only hearing the gospel but also, they would be blessed by the people who loved the Lord and who brought the gospel to them.

This comes out in the case of Zachaeus: See Luke 19:8.

  • What was Zachaeus’ response when Jesus came into his home?
  • What does this tell us about the attitude Jesus produces in us towards
    the poor and disadvantaged?

Read Galatians 2:10

  • What was the key thing that Jewish believers asked the Gentile believers?

In Acts 3:1 -10, since they had no money, what did Peter give to the lame man?

II. Blessed are the Merciful (Matt 5:7)

Read Luke 10:25 -37. In this account:

  • Why do you think Jesus mentioned that the priest and the Levite
    ignored the man?
  • What status did a Samaritan hold with Jews?
  • What did the Samaritan man do for the wounded man on the road?
  • What does it mean to have mercy on someone in this context?
  • Think about the opportunities we have to be merciful.

Look at Matthew 25:34 – 40.

  • What sort of attitude should we have towards those who are hungry or
  • What can we do to assist strangers?
  • What about people who are naked, sick or in prison?

Read the rest of the passage and observe the Lord’s words to those who are unresponsive to the needs of others (Matthew 25:41 – 46).

III. How Should We Live?

Our presence in this world should be one where people are uplifted and helped by the initiatives we recommend. Often our actions and example draw God’s attention as much as our prayers and devotions.

Read Acts 10:1 – 8.

  • What had gotten God’s attention about the Roman Army Captain,
  • Why do you think Cornelius gave generously to those in need?
  • What can we do as the opportunity arises?
  • What is God’s attitude towards helping the poor?

Read Ephesians 2:8, 9 (also Titus 3:4, 5).

  • What saves us?
  • What does not save us?
  • Where do ‘works’ fit in ?
  • Read Eph.2:10. What has God planned in advance for us to do?
  • How should we live?

IV. You Are The Light Of The World . . . (Matt 5:14)

Our presence in the world is designed by God to bring light to many a dark place. We are called the ‘children of the day’ (See 1 Thessalonians 5:5).

Our light is best evidenced by the MESSAGE. It is also authenticated or proven by our ACTIONS.

Jesus did not only speak WORDS, He also engaged in WORKS.

Read James 2:14 -26.

  • Why is faith without works dead?
  • How does this relate to a brother or sister who is without food or

Practical questions:

  • See 1 Timothy 6:17 – 19. Who are the rich in this passage?
  • How much money should we give to those in need?
  • Are there times when we should not give?
  • How much of our time should we offer to those in need?
  • There are situations in which we need to be wise, eg:

• those who will not work (2 Thess 3:10).
• people who make money out of poverty.
• people who will apply our gifts to wrong ends.

  • What about prisoners?
  • What about visiting people in hospital?


God is a Father to those who have no father. He is a Husband to the widow, He is a Friend to the lonely. His loving heart goes out to all who are afflicted by misfortune, injustice or who are prey to the deep struggles of life.

When we identify and take action on the behalf of those who are poor
and afflicted, then we are identifying with His great heart of love.

Memorise this verses:
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world …. James 1:27

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. …. 1 Corinthians 15:58 (NKJV)

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Becoming a Disciple for Jesus

By Tony McLennan

Chapter 10

You and the Church

God has established His spiritual Presence on the earth through the operation of the Holy Spirit . This power is manifested in all those who have trusted in Christ.

We become members of this ‘body of believers’, called ‘The Body of Christ’ (1 Corinthians 12:13, 27) when we, by the Holy Spirit, asked Jesus to come into our hearts and were subsequently born again.

This Body of Christ is also referred to as God’s household:
In Him (Christ) the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in Him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit.”
Ephesians 2:21 -22

I. The Purpose of The Church

The purpose of the Church is to recreate the environment of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. In so doing, the people of the Church:

  • Project God’s Holy Light into a sin – sick, disorderly, chaotic and dark world (2 Peter 1:19).
  • Expose and oppose evil (Ephesians 5:11 – 13).
  • Live different lives. Others will notice this difference. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
  • Provide a haven of fellowship for all Christians. (Hebrews 10:25)
  • Support the work of preaching the Gospel on a worldwide basis (Matthew 28:19 -20; Philippians 4:18).
  • Actively provide a witness to the Gospel and Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit in the community and the nation (Acts 1:8).
  • Provide assistance to those in need; the weak and the poor (Acts 4:34 – 35, Acts 6:1 – 6).

These functions are not generally visible in the world. They are chiefly
visible in the Church.

II. Identifying The Church

There are three major expressions of the existence of the Church. These

  • The worldwide fellowship of those who belong to Christ regardless of
  • Denominational Churches eg, Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant and
    Pentecostal groups;
  • The local Church where we and our families are members.

We all, if we belong to Christ, (ie are true Christians) are part of the worldwide family of God.

  • What is a true Christian?

Now Write in your definition.


  • Read Romans 8:9b. Now how would you define a true Christian?

The Greek word used for Church in the New Testament is ‘ekklesia’. It means ‘those who have been called out’or the gathering of ‘those who have been summoned together.’ This term speaks of the coming together of God’s people in answer to His call, in order to meet with each other in the presence of God.

III. Dealing With Inconsistencies

There are quite a number of inconsistencies in the institutional expressions of the Church:

  • Churches which give messages contrary to the Bible’s teachings;
  • Churches which are evidently run down and ‘dead’, lifeless and unbelieving;
  • Churches which support ungodly political and social programs;
  • Churches which permit or sanction gross sin or abominations in their midst.

Common among these ‘churches’ is a lack of focus on sharing the Good News of the Gospel with others.

Jesus drew His disciples’ attention to those who were enemies of the faith. Religious people may look spiritual but it is no guarantee that they are led by the Holy Spirit. This point causes a lot of confusion among believers and unbelievers alike.

Read John 16:2. What kind of people will try to kill those who are real disciples of Jesus?

What is Jesus’ explanation for this state of affairs? (John 16:3)

We need to be able to distinguish between true Christians and false ones, true Churches and dead or heretical Churches. What is the main visible qualification of a person who is a follower of Jesus? (See 1 John 2:3- 6)

IV. How You Should Relate To The Church

“…Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the Word, and to present her to Himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.
Ephesians 5:25 -27

See how much Jesus loves His Bride, the Church! What is our response?

  • If Jesus loves the Church, then it follows, we need to love one another.
  • We need to support the Church and contribute our spiritual gifts to the Church (Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4:12).
  • Continue in fellowship with the Church.
  • Attend the regular services (Isaiah 58:13 -14 and Hebrews 10:25).
  • Contribute a portion of our income to the local Church (2 Corinthians 8:7).
  • Remember world missions (Acts 13:47).
  • Remember the poor (Hebrews 13:16).
  • Encourage our leaders:

Remember your leaders who spoke the Word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.”
Hebrews 13:7

  • Accept our leaders’ authority:

Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you.”
Hebrews 13:17

Regular attendance at your local Church is one of the chief indications of
your commitment to Christ and His Church.


The Church is like a tranquil island in the midst of a dark and difficult world. Believers down through all generations have come together in local Church communities and groups. The fellowship that believers have with one another is one of the most compelling evidences that God is at work among them through His Holy Spirit.

Memorise this verse:
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day  approaching.Hebrews 10:25

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    We will continue next week with the last 2 chapters from the book: Becoming a Disciple of Jesus by Tony McLennan

    For even more information please visit:  The God Revolution  & Australia for Jesus websites.


    The Utterances of God 

    By Francis Frangipane

    Much of what we are living today we were speaking yesterday. Of course, not everything in one’s future is determined by his words. However, in real ways, our words are seeds that bloom in future hopes and fears; they are the trailblazers of our future, the pioneers of our tomorrows.

    Still, most of us are too casual, or ignorant, about the weightiness of our words. Recall: it was Jesus Himself who warned, “For every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.” He continued, “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” (Matt. 12:36-37 NKJV)

    We will each stand before God and give an account for our words. We actually will be justified or condemned by the things we uttered in life. In truth, idle words create idols, false realities and hollow goals, to which we bow down and serve.

    The Kernel of Life or Death

    There is a weightiness to words, a spiritual substance within our words, and that substance has the power to impact those who receive them. Jesus said His words were “spirit and [they] are life” (John 6:63). The substance in Christ’s words is eternal life, and believing His words transforms us.

    So also our words can contain either life or, conversely, they can contain death. If I wrote a string of profanities, blasphemies and curses, would not the vileness of such words, at least temporarily, degrade your soul with their toxic affect? Our words, manipulated by hell, can actually become weapons the enemy uses to destroy us and wound others, as Job challenged his so-called friends: “To whom have you uttered words? And whose spirit was expressed through you?” (Job 26:4)

    When we slander or gossip, we must ask ourselves: Whose spirit is being expressed through us? You see, Satan seeks to use our words against us. With our words, we criticize but do not pray; we judge without showing mercy. These things immediately affect our future. Satan knows that if he can capture our tongues, he can capture our future. As it is written: “The tongue…sets on fire the course of our life, and is set on fire by hell.” (See James 3:2-6)

    The devil can take our careless, insensitive words and literally crush people with them. Although a word has no measurable mass, it can become an unbearable burden on a person’s soul, especially a harsh word spoken in anger. It can actually destroy another’s life.

    Still think words are unimportant? A definite aspect of our salvation unfolds when we “confess with [our] mouth Jesus as Lord.” (Rom. 10:9) Our confession takes salvation out of the vague, provisional state and makes it a distinct, effective dimension of our life. Our confession of faith in all things helps chart our lives in a Godward direction.

    Prayer itself is the expansion of the heart toward God through words, and when you pray according to the will of God, your words begin to shape your future in God.

    Combining Spiritual Thoughts with Spiritual Words

    “Now we have received . . .the Spirit who is from God, that we may know the things freely given to us by God, which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words.” (1 Cor 2:12-13)

    As we combine spiritual thoughts with spiritual words, the things freely given us by God begin to manifest in our lives. This is not to say that merely repeating words has power, as if by magic. No. However, the Bible calls us to combine “spiritual thoughts with “spiritual words,” enabling new dimensions to open in our relationship with God.

    Becoming Like Christ, the Word

    The church is beginning to realize its singular purpose is to be like Christ. To be like Jesus, however, is to be purified in both heart and speech. James said that “if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man.” (James 3:2) Our words, therefore, are a measure of our maturity.

    Or consider Isaiah. When this mighty prophet saw the Lord, he was immediately convicted concerning his words. Isaiah said, “Woe is me, for I am ruined! Because I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips.” (Isa. 6:5) Taking a burning coal from the altar, the first thing the Lord cleansed was Isaiah’s speech.

    Likewise, when we truly see Jesus, our words will also be brought under the burning coal of divine conviction; a process of cleansing will begin. Thus, Peter says, “Whoever speaks, let him speak, as it were, the utterances of God.” (1 Pet. 4:11)

    It is an honor to be anointed to speak a timely word; it is a greater honor to speak a timeless message. Christ spoke both. If we were, this day, required to stand before God, would our words justify us or condemn us? Would we be honored for speaking the utterances of God?

    Lord, put a guard over my heart that I might not sin with my mouth. Master, purify me that my words might be the expression of Your heart. Help me to crucify my instinct to talk. May I serve You as one entrusted to speak, as it were, the utterances of God.

    Francis Frangipane


    By Bill Muehlenberg

    Even in the West God is still at work:

    Europe is still likely the most secular continent on earth – at least in terms of its Christian roots. Muslim immigration may have changed things a bit, but in terms of the Judeo-Christian worldview it has been going down the tubes for quite some time now. And that has been true of so much of the West.

    Sure, places like America still have lots of Christians, but one wonders why they seem to be making so little impact if there are so many of them. Some decades ago the sociologist Peter Berger (1929-2017) said this about the religious scene there: ‘If India is the most religious nation on the planet, and Sweden the most secular, then America is a nation of Indians ruled by Swedes.’

    That still pretty much sums things up. It may seem like Christianity is nearly doomed in America and the West. It has had a very good run, but things seem to be heading south – literally. The global south is where we find the most church growth taking place: Asia, Latin America, and Africa.

    So is there hope for the West? Well, as long as God is in the equation – and he always is – then there is still hope. It was Chesterton who once put it this way: “At least five times the Faith has to all appearances gone to the dogs. In each of these five cases, it was the dog that died.”

    A few months ago I wrote about the surprising decline of the new atheism. In it I mentioned several key volumes, including this one: The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God by Justin Brierley (Tyndale, 2023). See that piece HERE:

    Here I want to look a bit further at this book, as well as a new article he has just written. With a number of public figures either becoming Christians recently or at least moving in that direction – Tom Holland, Jordan Peterson, Douglas Murray, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and Naomi Wolf to name a few – his ongoing work of engaging with others, including many non-believers, is a crucial ministry indeed.

    For the Rest of the Article: CLICK HERE

    Spiritual Maturity (Continued…)

    As we started in week 4 and continued in Week 5 & Week 6 to look at Spiritual Maturity, and thus just as a reminder again that according to Ephesians 4 – that the reason Jesus gave the the 5-Fold Ministries to His Church (The Ekklesia) – is to bring the saints unto Maturity – in order for us all to be walking in the “the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ”

    Eph 4:7-16

    7  But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. 
    8  Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. 
    9  (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? 
    10  He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.) 
    11  And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 
    12  For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 
    13  Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: 
    14  That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; 
    15  But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: 
    16  From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. 

    Below is 1 last Video again by Ps Susan Hammer from Cry of an Eagle Revival Ministries – looking at the Calling and Purpose of the Teacher…

     The Teacher:


    And this concludes all the messages on Spiritual Maturity.

    Thank you for watching !

    You are welcome to visit our Youtube Channel, and see more videos on the Kingdom of God, the 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit etc…

    Pastor Jeff’s Special Today:  “Inability to love your neighbor” 

    Today’s issue is no love for your neighborTo love our neighbors is central to the Word of God. In Levitictus 19:18 we are told to love your neighbor as yourself.” Then in Matthew 5:43 Jesus/Yeshua said:  You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” 

    To get to that place of love, first repent to join His Kingdom, thereby receive the Holy Spirit, and then display His fruits worthy of repentance. The first fruit is LOVE! (Galatians 5:22).

    Being candid with yourself and the Holy Spirit, is there any remnant of your old pattern, pursuing your own agenda instead of connecting with and loving others? Is there any old vow you made in this area that now needs to be removed? Do you think this is only applicable to the disciples 2,000 or 3,000 years ago? Do you have any residue of a residue of this issue for such a time as this? Was it connected to your upbringing as a child? Was it a family pattern in any way?

    God bless you as you seek His Holy Spirit Wisdom and Comfort on this issue. May you go forward on His path, “perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” (2 Corinthians 7:1).

    WHAT’S ON…


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    Pray from the Nation’s Capital and visit the Federal Parliament Pray for the Nation's of the World, and go on an Embassy Prayer Tour Stay at the Canberra House of Prayer for All Nations ...

    Discipleship at C-HOP Weekly TBC

    Every Tuesday night 7-9pm next meeting to be advised - Bring your Bible, Notebook and pen Jesus said: "If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you[a] will ask what...

    Coming Up

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    Bible Verse of the Day

    I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.