Prophetic Words for Australia

Prophetic Word re Intercession for Australia fr Ps Daniel Lim
( CEO of IHOP KC – USA ) given at C-HOP, 22 June 2012

What is God saying to Australia in this Season?
• Australia to produce financial surplus and spare capacity
• Australia to be a Land of Refuge to the nations
• Standing with the Jews to give them refuge – Rom 9-11
• Isaiah 35:1-10 – Treasures in the Wilderness yet to be discovered
• Spiritual Watchmen on the wall– Rampart of prayer around the coastal lands, safe harbours
5 Principles of Intercession to Pray for Australia:
• Increase Revelation and Knowledge of Jesus Christ
• Increase in Unity, Love and Maturity in the body of Christ
• Increase in Grace for Prayer and Fasting & ministering to the Lord and carrying His burdens through to abundant fruitfulness
• Re-evangelisation of Australia – systematically – road by road
• Increase in the Spirit of Wisdom and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit – impact cities – walking in the greater works of Jesus – destiny of Australia to be part of the Great South Lands of the Holy Spirit
5 Principles of Governmental Intercession fr Book of Daniel:
• Consecrated and fasted Lifestyle (Dan 1:8)
• Confidence in the Mercy and Justice of God (Dan 2)
• Consumed with the study of the prophetic Scriptures (Dan 9:1-3)
• Constant intercession & supplication in season & out of season (Dan 9-10)
• Conduit of God’s steadfast love ( Dan 9:21-23)
Notes on Daniel Lim’s prophetic Message to Australia – at C-HOP 22.June 2012:
What is God saying to Australia in this Season?
Australia to produce financial surplus and spare capacity (like Gen 41)
Joseph in Egypt, preparation in 7 years of abundance for 7 years famine.
Important to be a debt-free nation, change forward mindset- debt as a financial instrument.
Promise – if we will co-operate with Him, but a warning that things will not be fulfilled the way God wants it, if we do not change our ways.
Time to come- stronger contractions and more frequent shakings, the cycles get shorter till the baby is delivered.
Australia to be a Land of Refuge to the nations (Num 35, 2 Sam 22)
The grace and calling of God – large land mass but small population -A massive influx of people- need wide road.
Standing with the Jews to give them refuge – Rom 9-11
Jews will take refuge here in Australia – having to receive Jesus in flight – another wave of anti-Semitism and Australia to play a significant role.
(Matt 25) how do we respond to refugees? Do we care and share?
Isaiah 35:1-10 – Treasures in the Wilderness yet to be discovered
Springs in the desert, treasure of the nation in the wilderness.
Australia does not yet understand that our future treasure is in the wilderness and we have not yet realised our full potential.
Spiritual Watchmen on the wall– Rampart of prayer around the coastal lands, safe harbours and lighthouses in key points around the coastline.
It is very important for Australia to guard and watch the coastline in the purposes of God; watching the gateway where vehicles are coming and going, creating a safe harbour.
5 Principles of Intercession to Pray for Australia:
Increase Revelation and Knowledge of Jesus Christ in Australia and an increased capacity to receive knowledge.
The Holy Spirit Paraclete will take what is for Jesus and declare it to us.
The Holy Spirit will instruct – so much more I have to say to you- not just with power, miracles signs and wonders and salvation.
Eph 1: 17-19 – an increase of the spirit of fear of the Lord is the beginning of the spirit of wisdom, knowledge and revelation.
Ask the Holy Spirit to blanket this nation with an increase of the knowledge of the glory of God from sea to sea.
Pray Eph 1:17-18 and chapter 2. Paul invested more in Ephesus than in Jerusalem, with 2 and half years wrestling with Diana/Artemis worship, big principalities and he turned that into a missionary hub that touched the whole nation.
Increase in Unity, Love and Maturity in the body of Christ for His manifest glory through the greater works Eph 3: 14-21 and John 14 & 17
Meditate on Jesus’ prayer to the Father for the Church – for the glory that He received from the Father since the foundation of the world.
Before creation, the beautiful kind of light before Genesis 1, the light before light was created.
Every time before God made a covenant, in Genesis 15, darkness falls and the fire of God walked through.
The Mosaic covenant on Mt. Sinai – dark clouds, then fire, thunder and lightning, the light of God; Jesus on the cross, deep darkness fell at midday to 3pm; a new covenant that to be released on the Earth.
God cannot allow any mixture of created light and uncreated light/pre-created light.
So at the Second coming of Jesus the sun will stop shining, the stars will fall and when all is dark suddenly there is a bright shining light on the horizon as the King comes in power and glory. He is the one who created the greater light and lesser light of day and night, the sun, moon and stars to govern our time but God will suspend it all before His Son Jesus appears – He is the ONE CHRIST, the Son of the Living God.
The manifest glory of God can only come by the unity of the body; spiritual unity; the width, breadth, height and length of love walked out together with all the saints. Love cannot be walked out individually.
It will be a time of transition, of return to the Lord, day and night prayer, New Jerusalem a light all the time in His presence, including spiritual capacity to carry spiritual burdens and press through to victory.
The Holy Spirit will orchestrate global dynamics that will eventually bring the Body into a John 17 type unity; so that the world will know that the Father has sent Jesus Christ.
God’s sovereignty helping us – He will use global pressure for example as in Indonesia 1997 suffering where the body comes together very strongly.
Pressure, Glory, signs and wonders and miracles will breakthrough and work together to bring forth the glory of the bride. Then the world will know He is the Bridegroom and King of Kings.
Increase in Grace for Prayer and Fasting & ministering to the Lord and carrying His burdens through to abundant fruitfulness
A Discipline to hunger for God above lesser things, an increased spiritual capacity and appetite for God’s presence.
A Ministry unto the Lord. The 1st ministry of HOP is worship, prayer , the Word and out of that comes overflow.; reaching out with evangelism, discipleship, works of justice, community work reaching out to others.
Ask God for a spirit of prayer to increase across the whole Church.
Servant ministry to help other Churches to pray.
HOP for the whole city, catalytic blanket for the whole city and nation.
Re-evangelisation of Australia – systematically – road by road
Matt. 9:35-38 Pray to the Lord of the harvest – Australia needs another season of Evangelisation, a system of street by street, block by block, every 20 years, it needs to be a re-evangelisation of the nation with Christian foundations.
Pray for God to release burden and strategy for re-evangelisation of Australia as a nation.
Increase in the Spirit of Wisdom and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit – impact cities – 1 Cor 1:5-8
Walking in the greater works of Jesus – destiny of Australia to be part of the Great South Lands of the Holy Spirit – for it to come in power – Austral de Espiritu Santo


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