Australia Kneels : Week 5 – Day 5

Enter In And Receive God’s Presence & Healing More Deeply In And Through Intercessory Prayer ?

The Garden Catalogue For Today

Let us Pray to understand the mind of Christ with His heart to Bless

Why is this Blessings so powerful?

In God’s Kingdom of Light and Peace, Jesus teaches us to forgive, pray for and love our enemies.

In Romans 12 Paul the Apostle gives us a model of how we conduct ourselves to be part of God’s new Covenant Holy Priesthood, demonstrating the nature of Jesus our great High Priest;

A Living Sacrifice

12  1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Humble Service in the Body of Christ

For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you. For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.

Love in Action

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervour, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.

17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. 20 On the contrary:

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
    if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”

21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

. . . . . . .

Let’s discover and pray through the ancient secret of the ONLY PRAYER in the Bible written by God Himself in Num 6:23, as His Covenant Blessing He gave to Moses and Aaron:

in ‘The Priestly Prayer of the Blessing’

by Warren M. Marcus p213-216
See the Video HERE

The Priestly Blessing

22 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: 23 “Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, ‘This is the way you shall bless the children of Israel. Say to them:

24 The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
26 The Lord [a]lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.” ’

27 “So they shall ]put My name on the children of Israel, and I will bless them.”

Now get ready to begin receiving a supernatural impartation of the Priestly power of Blessing as you proclaim it over yourself in Hebrew, in the person of, the holy character of, and the power and authority of Yeshua, the Jewish High Priest in Heaven! After you pronounce the amplified Hebrew to English translation over yourself, pray the following prayer and continue reading……

YHWH (Father God), I thank you that I can walk in Your shalom. You are the one who created the heavens and the earth. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess Your name and the name of Your Son.  Father, I thank You. I receive now Your name placed upon me, meaning Your person, Your character, Your authority, and Your supernatural power. Help me, YHWH, to demonstrate to others who You are so they too can experience Your reality. Amen.

In English Bibles it reads:

The Lord Bless you…….

But in the Amp Hebrew translation of the prayer, it is:

May YHWH kneel before you (making Himself available to you as your heavenly Father) so He can grant or bestow upon you His promises and gifts.

In the first portion of the Priestly Prayer of Blessing YHWH kneels in front of you, His spiritual son or daughter, as a good parent desiring to make Himself available and minister to you. This requires a response. Do you keep standing, or do you humble yourself and kneel.


In English Bibles it reads:

The Lord Bless you and keep you…….

But in the Amp Hebrew translation of the prayer, it is:

May YHWH (your heavenly Father) guard you with a hedge of thorny protection that will prevent Satan and all your enemies from harming your body, soul, mind, and spirit, your loved ones and all your possessions.

In this second portion your heavenly Father places His arms around you with a divine embrace, holding you in His strong arms of protection and security.


In English Bibles it reads:

The Lord make His face to shine upon you…..

But in the Amp Hebrew translation of the prayer, it is:

May YHWH (your heavenly Father) illuminate the wholeness of His being toward you continually bringing to you order so that you will fulfill your God given destiny and purpose.

In this portion of the Priestly Prayer of Blessing it’s as if He loosens His divine embrace, and while still keeping His holy hands on your shoulders, He pulls away enough for you to see Him face to face so you can begin to experience His reality and person.


In English Bibles it reads:

And be gracious to you…….

But in the Amp Hebrew translation of the prayer, it is:

May YHWH (your heavenly Father) provide you with perfect love and fellowship, never leaving you, and give you sustenance, provision and friendship.

Your heavenly Father reveals His perfect love to you as your perfect Daddy with loving eyes and a beatific smile. He looks past your weaknesses and your frailties, pledging that He will never leave you and that He will provide you with His love, fellowship, and friendship. It is your heavenly Father saying to you, “You are my beloved son or daughter, in whom I am well pleased.”


In English Bibles it reads:

The Lord lift His countenance upon you……

But in the Amp Hebrew translation of the prayer, it is:

May YHWH (your heavenly Father) lift up and carry His fullness of being towards you (bringing everything that He has to you aid), supporting you with His divine embrace and entire being.

This is your heavenly Father lifting you up with His divine strong arms and carrying you, continually looking down at you as He walks. He is your loving heavenly Father.
He is also lifting up all of who He is towards you. He is putting all of Himself at your disposal. He is bringing everything that He is to your aid. He is supporting you with His divine embrace and His entire being. Nothing is being withheld. You have the one true God of the universe on your side!!


In English Bibles it reads:

And give you peace …

But in the Amp Hebrew translation of the prayer, it is:

May YHWH (your heavenly Father) set in place all you need to be whole and complete, so that you can walk in Victory moment by moment, by the power of Holy Spirit. May He give you supernatural health, peace, welfare, safety, soundness, tranquillity, prosperity, perfection, fullness, rest, and harmony, as well as the absence of agitation and discord.

The author suggests that as you have pronounced the Priestly Prayer of Blessing over yourself and then had it sung over you in Hebrew by listening to the recording, ensure that you are Born Again and are walking close to Lord and your brethren.


CLICK HERE to watch the Video

A Prayerful Meditation with Olivia Helmore

New Wine and Oil Meditation

Receiving the Lord’s garment of praise and the sufficiency of His grace

The bible says as believers in Jesus Yeshua we are a kingdom of priests. What does this mean? As priests, how do we minister? We minister to the people and to God.

In a way there is no separation between our ministry to others and our ministry to God!

When we pray in our secret place with Him, we bring before the King the names of all those He grants us to minister His love to. When we go out from that secret place, when we serve

those He’s granted us to love in His love, we are also ministering directly to His heart.

The curtain in the temple dividing the Lord’s presence from the people was rent in two. The Lord reconciled to Himself everyone who will receive His sacrifice for them, offered before God on their behalf.

We still come into the secret place to minister to God and allow Him to minister personally to us without distractions. We still go out to minister to the people, doing the things He has spoken to us, spirit to spirit, in the secret place. But now we have a Great High Priest who always lives to make intercession for us. All our movements in and out of our secret place with Him are holy now as we abide in Him. Our whole lives are a sacrifice of praise to Him.

No sacrifice remains to be given to atone for our transgressions. But we offer the Great High Priest Jesus Yeshua our lives in thanks for what He has done for us.

Our ministry to those He grants us to love, begins in our secret place with Him. Our ministry outside the secret place can never truly be separated from our experience of relationship with Him by His Word and by His Spirit.

If we turn aside and begin to add leaven to the dough, if we are tempted to rise up in pride or arrogance over others, He will speak to us by His Word and Spirit to humble us, and keep us dependent on His grace.

His grace is sufficient for us in our weakness. He receives us as priests in His temple as we humble ourselves and abandon ourselves to the sufficiency of His grace, the dignity of His strength working on our behalf in our weakness.

The Word even says His strength is perfected in our weakness. It also says the Lord was made perfect by His sufferings on our behalf. Now, the Lord was already perfect. But His desire and will were satisfied in fulfilling His obedience to the Father. His will and desire are also satisfied as we continue to submit ourselves to Him, in obedience to the Father, doing what He has said to us by His Spirit and by His Word.

What does the Lord command? What is His instruction for us? His primary instruction is always for us to believe in Jesus Yeshua, place our hope, faith and trust in Him, and to live thereby.

Believing in Jesus Yeshua is not a one-time decision. It is an ongoing process of determining to entrust our lives to Him. We put to work the measure of faith He’s given us so far and He gives us more as we prove ourselves doers of the Word and not hearers only.

The Lord set out the principles whereby His kingdom operates in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, in His teachings and parables. If we will come aside, sit at His feet, and allow His Holy Spirit to guide us into all the truth of His Word, written in the scriptures for our benefit that we may believe and thereby live, He will cause us day by day to mature into the fulness of the destiny He has reserved for you and me on a very personal level.

It is one by one, heart by heart, that Jesus Yeshua is pleased to advance His kingdom. He makes the good news of His advancing kingdom known by His servants as we speak. Faith comes by hearing. How should we believe, unless we first hear the good news of His advancing kingdom? Praise be to God that the Word of God is not in chains. He still speaks by His Word and Spirit where there is no man or woman to preach. Yet He is very pleased for us to partner with Him in declaring the all-conquering victory of His once, all-sufficient, voluntary, and atoning sacrifice over sin and death for you, me, and all humankind, to all creation.

When we preach the gospel in Spirit and truth, we declare the power of God to save every heart. Everyone may now turn from the darkness of spiritual death and bondage, believe in the One God sent and abandon themselves to the sufficiency of His grace in their lives. His grace upholds us, as we hold fast to the knowledge He has caused us to escape the destruction of our souls forever.

If we rise up, thinking we can overcome by our own strength, He will humble us, so we return to the sufficiency of His grace. We need to allow His Word and Spirit to humble us and cleanse us of pride and self-sufficiency. Then we can fulfil our station as worthy ministers of His Word and kingdom in the world.

We enter the gates of the holy city, His kingdom of priests, by thanksgiving and praise. In our hearts we confess we are not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes.

In exchange for the heaviness in our hearts, when we come aside with Him into our secret place and offer Him the burdens of our heart, trusting He loves us and is able to bear what we cannot in our weakness, He clothes us with His garment of praise. He covers the shame of our nakedness and dignifies us with the strength of His power working all things for our good.

We have heard His voice and responded with our hearts, to believe He is who He has revealed Himself to be in Jesus Yeshua. Salvation belongs to our God, one God, the Sovereign of all nations.

He is willing that all humans should be saved, that none should perish, that again all things should be restored to their intended purpose and order. He is good and He is strong. This is what we discover again and again, day by day, as we allow His Spirit to guide us into the truth of His whole Word.

Every word He has spoken will be fulfilled in its time. Now we see as in a mirror dimly, but then we will know even as we are fully known by Him now.

He is truth bearing truth. He is life giving birth to life. Light bearing light. Love bearing love.

Grace bearing grace. He is strength bearing strength. He is hope bearing hope. And faith bearing faith.

Though we are surrounded by trouble, visible and invisible, on every side, the faith He gives knows He will bring all things to a righteous end.

His Word says He waits in order that He may be gracious to us and He is willing that none should perish. So we know, if there is still wickedness in this earth, He waits in order that He may yet reveal Himself to more sheep He has yet to gather.

Let’s praise Him for the steadfastness of His love, that He has not cast us away when we have strayed from the simplicity of the gospel, when we’ve risen up to rely on our own strength, when we’ve listened to and followed even slightly twisted versions of the truth which were not His voice.

Because of His great love we are not consumed, we are not destroyed, we do not perish. He is our salvation. He is the Way, truth, and life. Through Him, in Him, with Him, for Him, all things will be and are being made whole.

As He builds us into the fulness of maturity as a kingdom of priests, He has granted us to participate with Him in the regeneration of all things.

Dearly beloved, He has entrusted Himself to you. What remains is for Him to teach us more and more, day by day, heart by heart, to entrust our weakness to His strength, to receive the sufficiency of His grace, the dignity of His strength working on our behalf.

Let’s allow Him to clothe us with the garments of praise. Let’s allow Him to lead us by His Word and Spirit into the holy city through the gates of thanksgiving and praise.

Salvation belongs to our God. His longing, His will and desire are satisfied as we put on the garment of praise, as we partner with Him in this holy exchange, giving Him our heaviness and waiting on Him in the temple of the King, expectant that He will give us strength for our weakness. For our transgression He will give us His robe of righteousness.

The cross is foolishness to the world. But on that cross, the Mighty One died such a death that all may now be saved.

We praise You Father that You have chosen us. There are still more sheep You have chosen and have yet to gather.

We praise You Father that You have granted us to believe on the Son whom You have sent, that we may live and not die in bondage to the darkness of separation from You.

We confess with our mouths and believe in our hearts that You Jesus Yeshua are the Son of God. There is no other name by which humankind may be saved from the destruction of separation from the One who is our life.

Jesus Yeshua You are our salvation. You have caused us to be converted from darkness into light. From bondage to slavery into the freedom of the Spirit of adoption which belongs to the kingdom of priests You have purchased at great price for Yourself.

Thank You that Your longing, will and desire are for us to know You as You are. You have left none outside the reach of Your redeeming sacrifice. You are calling every human to receive You and abandon themselves to the sufficiency of Your grace, to entrust themselves to You as You have entrusted Yourself by Your Word and by Your Spirit to everyone who receives the message of Your kingdom as a little child, knowing the sufficiency of their Father to uphold them, cover and protect them in their weakness.

Thank You for leading us day by day into the fulness of maturity. We wait on You Lord. Open our eyes to perceive the work You have for us. Open our eyes to see the fields ripe for harvest, to see the ones You have granted us to love in Your love.

Help us to entrust our burdens to You and cast off the shame the world puts on us for our dependency as children on our Father. Help us not to entertain the accusation of the enemy against us, that we are foolish, helpless, or shameful for our reliance on You as our life.

Give us Your strength. Help us to entrust our weakness into Your hands knowing Your grace is sufficient. You will give us the garment of praise for heaviness as we wait on You. You are growing Your kingdom of priests into the fulness of maturity.

You have granted us to participate with You in the regeneration of all things as You lead us by Your Word and Spirit. These things are too wonderful for us to comprehend with our minds but by Your Spirit You have spoken them into our spirits.

We praise You that You are one Lord. You are working all things for our good. You are faithful to everyone. To those who entrust themselves to You, You will show Yourself as the faithful Bridegroom, the faithful and true Husband of our souls. We entrust ourselves to You.

You alone are worthy of all our praise and thanksgiving. Salvation belongs to You. You have done mightily on our behalf.

Enlarge our hearts to receive the fulness of Your kingdom manifesting in our lives, in our hearts, as we wait on You and serve those You grant us to love with Your love. Only Your love is sufficient to hold us in our weakness, to redeem us from our pride and our darkness of separation from Your truth. We bless ourselves in Your Name Jesus Yeshua,


Ima Odutola  from:  Light and Grace Ministries 

Through the Mercies of God I shall not be moved

Anchor Scripture:

Heb 4:16 

Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. 

Ps Jeff’s Special Today: “Hypocrisy; Neglect of Truth in preaching–including by conduct” 

Today’s issue is hypocrisy, neglect of Truth in preaching. The Word in 2 Timothy 4:1-5 is right on point: I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all long-suffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.”

You and I “preach” not just by standing in front of a podium, but also by our conduct. Is it Godly or ungodly? Being candid with yourself and the Holy Spirit, is this issue of watering down the Word to appeal to others blocking your serving your Almighty Creator today? Is there any remnant of this old hypocrite pattern needing to be confessed? Are there any old vows you made that you will always seek approval even if it means you’ll be a hypocrite? Do you think this is only applicable to the disciples 2,000 years ago? Do you have any residue of a residue of this issue for such a time as this? Was it connected to your upbringing as a child? Was it a family pattern in any way?

God bless you as you seek His Holy Spirit Wisdom and Comfort on this issue. May you go forward on His path, “perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” (2 Corinthians 7:1).



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Bible Verse of the Day

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.