Australia Kneels: Week 1 – Day 3

‘Let Us’ (Lettuce page) 

What are the Blockages in my Heart + Mindsets of Wrong Beliefs that Obstructs my Relationship with God ?

Chef’s Menu For Today

Ingredients of the Salad

In this fallen world we all encounter in our own lives and the lives of our families dysfunctional mindsets and beliefs that are all consequences of the broken covenant in the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve was separated from God they felt they could not be forgiven.

Dr Hilary has a Testimony of Encountering Jesus at a traumatic moment in her life, Who said “I’ve forgiven you for everything you’ve ever done.. “.  His Mercy and compassion confronted her entrenched belief-system that she was unforgivable. When she later encountered Tom Gardner’s Book: Healing the Wounded Heart , it was completely lifechanging and transformative. She discovered the True Nature of God, and His Word, which we will explore here.

To find out more on Dr Hilary’s Testimony:  CLICK HERE

The Lord asked Hilary many years later at C-HOP, to come aside with Him to process His Healing strategies relating to the 7 major obstacles that block our human hearts from trusting and walking in relationship with God. Let us discover how we can hear His Voice, and overcome the blindspots that block us from believing in:

  • God’s True identity that He created us in His image and likeness as His precious sons and daughters each with a specific call and purpose for our lives to give Him Glory
  • God as our Holy, Living, Good Father of Light,
  • Jesus His Son of God, Messiah, Deliverer and Healer,
  • Holy Spirit of Truth that we can receive to indwell our hearts as those who have received Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour,
  • the Mystery of the godhead 3 in 1 all together are the one True Holy God


Let us encounter the Truth of the Lord Jesus Christ in this season as we bow our knee to the Father and pray for ourselves, families and nation/s to have clean hands, pure hearts, not bowing down to idols or swearing by what is false, Ps 24:1-6.

Then, we become the Blessed ones of the Father who walk in Jesus’ Righteousness, not our own, who may ascend the Mountain of the Lord and walk in His Presence in restored relationship and empowerment. Let us be prepared to fulfil His calling on each of our lives, to be labourers and disciple’s in His soon coming Harvest. Let us be abundantly fruitful for the Father’s Glory.

He is calling us aside to understand His heart and our own; to explore the consequences of the fall of Adam & Eve’s breaking covenant with God in Eden. Let us discover the Joy of His Covenant Restoration with us as we confess our negative thoughts and words, and turn to Him to find Freedom. Let us become aware of, recognise and let go of old, often life long, generational familial mindset patterns of thinking, feeling, reacting and behaving. What a Relief when a challenge re-surfaces and this time, we can stay connected to Jesus and respond in His wisdom and peace by His Holy Spirit, as we discover His ways  –   Isa 55:6-11


Today, is the 3rd Day, on this menu which Biblically Represents the Resurrection Life of Jesus Christ overcoming hell, death and the grave on our behalf. This IS the good news of the Gospel and the perspective of faith in His precious Blood sacrifice; the finished work of the cross that we need to understand in order to unpack the mindsets of Shame.

Hebrews 12:1b-2 NKJ

……., let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,  looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.


From the cross, Jesus fulfilled the New Covenant as He said in Luke 23:34: ‘Father Forgive them, they know not what they do.’ 


Then before He died for us He said in Jn 19:30 ‘It is Finished.’   The devil’s power is broken.


The Power of Jesus’ Blood Covering (Atonement) OVERCOMES the Consequences of the fall, through Repentance:

  • When Adam & Eve saw they were Naked, they were covered with Shame identity:
  • Shame causes us to hide from one another and ourselves
  • Shame causes us to hide from God – we fear judgement and punishment
  • Adam’s response was to Blame and Shame Eve and God – He took no responsibility
  • The orphan, victim, slave identity bondages entered in as Adam did not repent
  • The deepest pain issue is humanity’s fear to confront our own failure that we believe can’t be fixed,
  • We resort to self-protection – we create our own ego coverings of deception, self-promotion, alternative identities and compete and fight with one another
  • Unbelief, pride, rebellion and cynicism with anger and revenge violence take over

 In order to see the Power of the Blood of Jesus to come into effect in your life, you need to learn how to Receive Forgiveness from God & Others, and Turn Away from our Old Mindsets and Behaviours (Practice Repentance)

God’s Light of Truth – His Medicine – Heals and Delivers us out of the power of darkness into the Kingdom of Light of the Beloved Son in Whom there is forgiveness and redemption of sin;

Acts 26:18, Col 1:13-14, 27 – Christ in us IS the HOPE of Glory!

Coleslaw Salad – Crunchie

Check out the Ingredients of the LIES of Shame

Let us unpack SHAME – the unwanted ingredient that keeps us separated from God’s truth, love and purposes for our life:

Spiritual Beliefs I can’t be FORGIVEN, I’m beyond God’s Grace , I can’t fix it, I’m imperfect/ flawed, my wound is incurable.

Soul Beliefs – I’m not good enough, I must hide, I must cover up, keep my hurt and brokenness covered up and concealed.

Soul Sense – I’m Naked and ashamed, I grieve loss of attachment, humiliation in my own eyes and others, they won’t love me if they know the bad or coward inside me.

Symptoms socially – I feel vulnerable, exposed, separated from others and God – this leads to spiritual deadness, sense of cut off from others and God’s presence.

Emotion Focus – I’m pre-occupied in my mess past and present, I can’t see the way to clean it up, I just feel unforgiveable, there’s something deeply wrong with me, I’m a mistake.

Green (Let us SEE) Lettuce, Avocado and Artichoke Salad – very nutritious for the heart!

Expels the Lies of Shame that Blind & Block us seeing the Revelation of the heart of our;

  • True Heavenly Father, whose Heart attitudes and motives towards us are demonstrated by His arms extended wide open to receive us
  • Beloved Son, How He has compassion in our brokenness and as our Bridegroom King, Jesus is yearning to deliver and heal us to become His Bride. He longs for us to turn our eyes upon Him alone in adoration and devotion and to receive His Robe of Righteousness, His Garment of Salvation. His desire is to be our Good Shepher and to lead us into His good works He’s already prepared for us to do with Him Eph 2:10, so that He can cloth us in His gift of Bridal white garments – the righteous acts of His saints – for us to dwell with Him forever.  Ps 23
  • Holy Spirit’s Love, Joy and Peace, He yearns to make us His own to form within us His fruits and gifts of the Spirit, for us to Trust He is leading us into All Truth and Holiness

Holy Spirit Salad with fruit bits – God’s Antidote Medicine for His Truth Replacement

  • Fruits of the Holy Spirit – Instead of Shame – God’s Faithfulness
  • Gift of the SpiritProphecy and Creativity according to God’s Faith given
  • Isa 11:2 Holy Spirit AttributeSpirit of Knowledge in the Tree of Life Discernment
  • Revelation of Jesus to Church of Sardis; He has the 7 Spirits of God and the 7 Stars
  • His Promise to Overcomers – Clothed in white garments & our Name in His Book of Life – He will not be ashamed to confess our Names before His Father – as His family

Blessing Dressing from Isaiah 61:7

 Instead of their Shame my people will receive a double portion of honour and instead of their disgrace a double portion of inheritance

Rahab the Harlot married Salmon the Jew, because of her faithfulness to the spies going into the promised land, is included in Jesus’ genealogy   –   Josh 2 & 6:22-23

Ruth the Moabitess & a widow were shamed, but because of her faithfulness to Naomi, married Boaz – the son of Rahab, and she is also honored in Jesus’ genealogy  – Matthew 1:5

Our Worship Song for the Week:

Notice how God’s Love Conquerors Shame


I AM CARRIED – By Geoff Bullock
Day by day and hour by hour Your love for me from Heaven flows
Like streams of water in the desert living waters flow
You walk beside me gently guiding leading me through every storm
Everlasting, never changing grace and love divine
Mercy’s healing grace relieving every spot and ev’ry stain
Forgiven freely no more guilty love has conquered shame
The broken mended night has ended the lost and lonely lost no
For I am carried in the arms of grace and love divine
I am carried in the arms of grace and love divine
I am held by hands of healing washed by water pure
Lifting up my heavy heart held in grace scarred hands
I am carried in the arms of grace and love divi ne
Never worthy never earning all my works now left behind
Ever onwards ever upwards You’ve called me on to rise
Above my darkness all my failure every fear and every pain
Always carried always covered by grace and love divine
I am carried in the arms of grace and love divine
I am held by hands of healing washed by water pure
Lifting up my heavy heart held in grace scarred hands
I am carried in the arms of grace and love divine

Ps Jeff’s Special Today: “Pride” 

Arrogance, disdaining others, haughtiness, pride, “a proud look,” is an abomination to the Lord (Proverbs 6:17). Jesus said pride “defiles a man.” (Mark 7:22). Pride is the opposite of meekness. Jesus said the “meek shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5), and He described Himself as ” lowly. (Matthew 21:5). He exhibited not weakness but meekness: power under perfect control.

However, being honest with yourself and your Holy Spirit, do you have pride in you? any residue of pride from your upbringing as a child? Is there even a residue of some pride blocking meekness to others and to Almighty God?

God bless you as you seek His Holy Spirit Wisdom on that issue. 

May you go forward on His path, “perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” (2 Corinthians 7:1).




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Bible Verse of the Day

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.