Banner Worship Workshop – Friday 26th to Sunday 28th July, 2024


You’re Welcome – there is Accommodation at C-HOP for you

Please see Packages 1 and 2 below…Be Blessed as David Stanfield – ‘the Banner man’ leads the workshops

For Package 1 & 2 Registration for ALL participants please email

For Package 1 for Accommodation please email c.hop.update@gmail.comWatch Video

The ACT Legislative Assembly Election is in October 2024Come to Stand in Canberra our Capital for the Lord, at the
David Stanfield Banner Worship Workshop 26-28 July ’24
at C-HOP & on location in Canberra.

We’re believing the Lord for His shift to Righteousness – Come and Worship and be part of God’s Solution for our land and peoples, to fulfil His call as part of the Southlands of the Holy Spirit – Oceania – His possession at the ends of the earth – Let us ask Him for Australia and the Pacific Islands Ps 2:8


Prayer for ACT Election Breakthrough 19.10.24

Let's pray from Psalms 24, 96 and 133. Why not pray these Psalms and many others as you walk around your suburb? Let's start focused prayer for God's righteous rule and reign in the ACT...


JESUS SAID - FOLLOW ME! at C-HOP - from Australia for Jesusafj videos on YouTube Join together to WORSHIP GOD and hear His call to share the Gospel of...

Embassy Prayer Tour

Pray from the Nation’s Capital and visit the Federal Parliament Pray for the Nation's of the World, and go on an Embassy Prayer Tour Stay at the Canberra House of Prayer for All Nations ...

Discipleship at C-HOP Weekly TBC

Every Tuesday night 7-9pm next meeting to be advised - Bring your Bible, Notebook and pen Jesus said: "If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you[a] will ask what...

Coming Up

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Bible Verse of the Day

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.