At: the Canberra House of Prayer, for All Nations 28, Guilfoyle Street, Yarralumla, ACT 2600, close to Parliament House |
Acts 2:42 Dinner Be part of our New Covenant Community experience at C-HOP
Starts: 6.00pm & bring a plate of food to share &/or non alcoholic drink to share
About Acts 2:42:
And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. Acts 2:42 NKJV
The Acts 2:42 evening dinners are covenant meals of thanksgiving. The meal starts at 6.00 pm. Please bring a plate of food to share and/or a non alcoholic drink.
Let us gather together and meet with friends and thank God for all He will do our lives and to focus on what Jesus has done for us on the cross and through his resurrection from death to life. We’ll Pray in God’s perfect will to be done and His Kingdom coming here in 2024 according to His Blue print in Heaven. Let’s Hear His Voice and ACT!!
Thank you for bringing a Plate of Food to share and or some non-alcoholic drinks.
You are welcome to stay for a time of Devotional Worship
We will Worship God and Pray to release us into the new season of God’s purposes for Righteous Government, preparation for Just next General Election in 2025 and Awakening of the Church in Prayer now in preparation in 2024
Let us Pray for the souls of Australia to turn to Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and to desire to be Disciples of Jesus. Also, let us Pray for our Government Leaders to align with God’s destiny purposes for our nation to become part of the Great South Lands of the Holy Spirit, and a Sheep Nation to God.

Welcome and Join us for a Feast and Fellowship with other believers in God’s Presence
The Story –Why Acts 2:42 Fellowship Dinners ?
‘They devoted themselves to the Apostles Teaching, to Fellowship and the Breaking of Bread and to Prayer.’ Acts 2:42
Seeking God’s strategy as to how to accomplish the vision of the Canberra House of Prayer, I sensed a strong prompting from the holy Spirit to search God’s Word about His desire for His people to be:
- in relationship with God the Father through His Son Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit
- living from a place of REST and FAITH
- meeting together in Fellowship and Communion, in covenant relationship with God and each other
C-HOP was to be a place of Hospitality and meeting, for believers to come and encounter God and each other in Father’s House – a place where Sons and Daughters of the Father, of every denomination and every tribe, tongue, colour and nation could come together to worship God and enjoy the richness and blessing of Feasting with each other, while be strengthened and encouraged in the Word of God…..and we WELCOME you to come and share with us.
How to do them?
Gather together people at 6.00pm, to come and bring a plate of food and drink to share together in a fellowship dinner which starts with prayer and communion on every 2nd and last Friday of the month,
What do we do?
We light some candles and thank Jesus that He is the light of the World! We give thanksgiving for the week, surrender our burdens and needs to the Lord, and pray for God’s Blessing upon the marriages and families of all present, then praying His Blessing out into our city and nation. We reaffirm our covenant commitment to the Lord through the breaking of Bread and sharing the Cup of the New Covenant blessing with each other, as the Body of Christ from across the city, and with those visiting C-HOP.
Then there is great feasting, fellowship, fun and sharing, with the Lord guiding the conversation: a beautiful time in his presence….and often there will,be a speaker bringing the word of God to encourage all, and this can include teaching from the Bible about God’s specified feast times and festivals, where we discover the richness of Jesus Christ in and through the Word of God.
It is one of our most favourite times that we look forward to….every dinner is different as God brings together different groups of people. Often, we have a sense that Jesus has orchestrated divine appointments, to nurture and build His body, and to bring hope and encouragement to some who might not have the opportunity to enjoy relaxed corporate meals with fellow believers.
It’s and opportunity for those who are seeking after Jesus, or wanting to reconnect with believers, or find fun and meaningful fellowship, in a relaxed and casual atmosphere ……all are welcome to come and share and discover how to put REST back into the rest of your life and for FAITH to be rejuvenated IN Christ Jesus.
Look forward to seeing you there….please bring some food and non-alcoholic drink to share!